Best Ways To Prevent A Sewer Backup - My Plumber Kelowna


By Dave Bangar

The Best Ways To Prevent a Sewer Backup

Reading Time: 3 minutes

How to Avoid Plumbing Blockages That Can Lead to Sewer Backups

Between the smell, the cost, and the inconvenience, a sewer backup is one of the most unpleasant things a homeowner can experience.

Fortunately, just like a lot of other plumbing disasters, a sewer backup can usually be prevented if you take the proper precautions.

In this article, we will explain what causes a sewer backup and how you can prevent it.

What Happens When Your Sewer Backs Up?

A sewer backup occurs when wastewater, also known as sewage, from your plumbing system backs up through your sink, shower, drain, or toilet, rather than going down through your pipes to a sewer or septic system. 

When this happens, the backup needs to be dealt with by a plumber immediately, as the sewage backing up into your plumbing can contain harmful bacteria that you do not want your family exposed to.

What Causes a Sewer Backup?

A sewer backup is usually caused by a blockage in your plumbing system. You see, your pipes are designed to carry wastewater from your home to your city’s sewer system. When a blockage forms in the pipes, the wastewater is unable to travel to its destination. With nowhere else to go, it simply builds up until it eventually spews out into your sink, shower, or toilet.
This type of blockage is typically caused by an accumulation of:

  • Oils and fats
  • Bathroom wipes
  • Food waste
  • Soap and other bathroom products
  • Tree roots
  • Any other item that does not belong in your pipes

Another reason a sewer backup may occur is a damaged sewer line. 

A sewer backup can also occur due to heavy rain when the sewer system becomes so full of rainwater that it overflows and backs up into homes.

The Best Ways You Can Prevent Your Sewer From Backing Up

The best way you can prevent a sewer backup is to be extremely diligent about what goes down your drain. 

Here are a few prevention tips from our Kelowna plumbers:

  • Never dispose of fats and oils from cooking by pouring them down your sink
  • Don’t flush wipes or feminine products down your toilet
  • Don’t rinse food waste down your drain
  • Regularly have a plumber inspect your plumbing and sewer line
  • Don’t let anything that doesn’t belong in your pipes go down your drain or toilet
  • Keep an eye out for tree roots getting close to your home
  • Have a plumber install a sewer backup valve

What to Do When You Experience a Sewer Backup

If you are currently dealing with a sewer backup, contact a plumber immediately and avoid the affected areas until the sewage has been properly cleaned up and the issue has been resolved. Exposure to human waste and sewage is a biohazard and comes with serious health risks, so it’s best to stay away. If you are able to, open all your windows to help air out your home.

Do not try to resolve the issue yourself using store-bought drain cleaners. 

Also, avoid using your plumbing system until your plumber has fixed the issue. This means no showers or baths, using the sink, or flushing the toilet.

Once the underlying issue has been fixed and there is no longer sewage backing up, have a professional cleaner come in to clean up any sewage that may have spilled out into your shower, on your floor, and in your kitchen. If only minor cleanup is required, you can sanitize any affected areas yourself using a diluted bleach solution.

Experiencing a Sewer Backup? Contact My Plumber Kelowna

Do you have sewage backing up into your home and are in need of a plumber to help resolve the issue? Contact our team of Kelowna-based plumbers today.
At My Plumber Kelowna, we have a team of licensed, trained, and highly experienced plumbers who can help you resolve the underlying issue causing the sewer backup and conduct regular inspections to help you prevent a disaster from occurring again in the future.
Call us today at 250-601-0000 or fill out a form on our website and we will be in touch ASAP.

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